About us
We believe our mission as a church is to glorify God by helping people find their fullness of joy in Jesus Christ (John 17:13). How do we see ourselves accomplishing this mission throughout Centre Hastings? We want to encourage people to pursue a simple, straightforward strategy in their lives that includes five priorities as it relates to the church.
Share Christ with others (John 17:18)
Build a relationship with others and be a friend. Jesus calls us to be friends with others (Matthew 11:19).
Share a personal faith story. Let your friends observe your life. As seeking friends see how Jesus affects your daily life, they explore, through your life, what Christ could do for them.
Introduce Jesus. Share the gospel with others one on one. Lead seeking friends to MBC: invite them to attend a special event, a worship service or maybe a small group.
Therefore, we want to keep our church structure simple and our church programming minimal so that people can focus their attention on the mission God has given us.
Join a small group (Matthew 20:17; Acts 19:9)
Take your place in a circle of friends in a small group, a vital means for personal spiritual growth in a non-threatening setting.
Practice the "one anothers" in the New Testament.
Meet to worship with others (Acts 2:46; Hebrews 10:25)
Meet together with other believers on a regular, weekly basis to worship God.
We seek to blend the hymns of the past with the new worship songs from the present that reflect celebration (Psalm 122:1), inspiration (Isaiah 40:31) and preparation (Ephesians 4:11-12).
Develop and grow in the faith (Matthew 28:19)
Spend personal time with the Lord each day reading the Bible and praying.
Spend time learning from other Christians, learning and growing together.
Serve Christ (1 Peter 4:10-11)
Invest the time, talents and treasures God has given you in reaching out to others around you in one primary church-related ministry.
We cannot glorify God by helping people find their fullness of joy in Jesus on our own. God is sovereign. He is the Lord of the harvest. We believe we must seek Him and depend upon Him for everything, in prayer. We desire to surround ourselves, our friends, and our church in prayer. God empowers all we do and are as we depend upon Him in prayer--for His glory alone. (Ephesians 1:11-12; 6:19-20)
Our Pastor: Steve West

Steve West (PhD) first pastored Madoc Baptist Church from 2004-2012. In 2012 he became the Lead Pastor at Crestwicke Baptist Church in Guelph, where he pastored for over 8 years. In the summer of 2020, God called him back to Madoc. In addition to pastoral ministry, Steve serves as a professor at Heritage College and Seminary in Cambridge. He has preached and taught courses in Africa, Asia, Europe, North America, and South America. Steve is the author of several books and a frequent contributor to a variety of publications. His ministry focuses on biblical preaching, theological engagement, and exploring and defending the Christian worldview.